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Frequently Asked Questions About MAXIDUS

Q. What is the recommended dosage?
Take 2 capsules with warm water approximately 40 minutes before an intimate encounter. For quicker results, remove the capsule and consume only the powder (without the capsule) 10-15 minutes before intercourse.

The effect of MAXIDUS can be felt for up to 4 days after consumption.

Subsequently, as your blood circulation improves, you may cut down to 1 capsule per intake and still obtain the desired results.

MAXIDUS can also be taken for instant energy enhancement. If you feel tired and lethargic, take 1 MAXIDUS capsule every alternate day to boost up your energy. Many of our users are long-distance truck drivers and taxi drivers who need the energy to stay alert and fresh while on the road.

Q. How does MAXIDUS work?
MAXIDUS, with its unique combination of herbs, helps to enhance blood flow to the penis and also boost the libido by increasing the testosterone level. (Men with low libido will find erectile dysfunction drugs ineffective.)

MAXIDUS is not only for sexual enhancement. The unique combination of herbs that we have specially prepared actually helps to improve your blood circulation, energy level and overall health and well-being.

Q. Can I really feel the MAXIDUS effect in 10 minutes? Does it really last for 4 days?
If MAXIDUS is taken in powder form (without the capsule), you can feel the effect within 10 minutes. And it will remain in your body for up to 4 days! The timing given here is only a general guideline. Ultimately, the timing varies with each user.

Q. Can I take MAXIDUS with alcohol?
For maximum effect, do not consume MAXIDUS with beer or wine. For some people, beer or wine might diminish the effectiveness of the herbs. If you must drink, take MAXIDUS about an hour or more before you consume alcohol.

Q. When should I take MAXIDUS?
Do not take MAXIDUS if you are tired, drunk or are not in the mood for sex, or you might not feel the effects. MAXIDUS is best taken ONE hour before a meal (on an empty stomach) or AT LEAST TWO HOURS after a meal.

Q. Is MAXIDUS a drug?
No. MAXIDUS is 100% herbal. In fact, MAXIDUS is one of the very few handful of pure herbal, fast-acting sexual enhancers in the market. The others are likely to contain chemicals and steroids.

Q. Are there any adverse side effects?
No. There are no reported cases of adverse side effects to date ever since MAXIDUS was launched 1-1/2 years ago. However, a small percentage of users with pre-existing poor blood circulation did experience a slight headache after consuming MAXIDUS. This is due to improved blood flow to the brain. However, regular consumption of MAXIDUS will eliminate this problem.

Q. Will MAXIDUS interfere with other medications?
No. To date, there are no reported complications with MAXIDUS associated with consumption of our product.

Q. Is it safe to take MAXIDUS if I have a heart problem, hypertension, diabetes or other medical condition?
MAXIDUS does not trigger excessive pressure towards the heart or blood pressure.

Based on our research among consumers with medical problem, MAXIDUS is found to be an effective herbal solution for those with diabetes, hypertension and prostrate problem IF it is taken at least 3 hours after medication. This is because some drugs, especially those associated with hypertension, might diminish the effect of MAXIDUS.

However, in general, anyone on medical supervision should consult a doctor before taking any new kind of herbal supplement.

Q. Is MAXIDUS an approved herbal supplement?
MAXIDUS is manufactured according to stringent GMP standards and has been tested and certified safe for consumption.



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